Display Booth

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Foreign companies with the capability to produce items such as household appliances, electronics, and plastic products are eligible to participate. Additionally, these companies must have all the necessary documents such as business licenses, import/export permits, or other paperwork depending on the type of business. Furthermore, these companies must ensure that their products meet quality standards.

The display booth is presented as follows:

  1. Location: (Booth location diagram)
  2. Prices will range from 1,000 USD to 1,500 USD, depending on the location of the booth.
  3. Dimensions: Width: 1220mm x  High: 2800mm x Depth: 400mm
  4. Customers may display their products at the booth, and the company will maintain the display items and provide basic utilities such as electricity, water, and restrooms to ensure the best trading environment.

Furthermore, the company has a sales team responsible for product consultation and order placement at each display booth (working hours: from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm daily).

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